Monday, February 7, 2011

Glory Hole In Riverside, Ca

The mother doll

I guess all you think this post is dedicated to Martina, my doll. But no, today I dedicate this post to a doll really, Martina this time it's mom and I, as the grandmother ....

Nely, as it is called the wrist, came home for Christmas and since then Martina treated as a true "marre" (mother) and here you see me in my playing to perfection the role of grandmother and, of course, making outfits for the baby.

In addition, the Magi brought a great stroller hood, and all that we know and clothing between Grandma Lola, grandmother of the wrist and me.

Lola's grandmother has made this beautiful quilt crochet rose, while I made the sheet and pillow with white and pink ribbon bodkin.

And here is the fully assembled stroller and baby included ...

As you see we even medal of the Virgen de la Estrella, a Virgen de Sevilla coming out in procession on Sunday Palm and that has nothing to do with children, but he had ...

And here Nely, dressed also between grandmother and great grandmother. The jersey is the work of Grandma Lola, made of pink wool skirt and the hood I made myself, with white pique pleated flounce all around and bodkin with pink ribbon.

takes top Dutch, also in white pique with the same motif of the skirt.

Finally, I tell you a little secret. We put outstanding. Pearls!

earrings are really pins head of white perlite, bought in haberdashery. They were nailed in each little ear and are perfectly set.

As you see, are missing some details, like little shirt, bag ... but otherwise, luxury wrist.


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