Today I write an entry imbued with sadness ... An entry of grief and disappointment, but not without feeling brother.
Today is Good Friday and instead of enjoying the processions in the street, I'm here telling you what we already know that the rain has prevented many guilds make your Station of Penitence, which I know is a hard drink for many people who spend the year with the hope of the arrival of that great day when your Hernandes put your footsteps in the street ...
From here I sympathize with each and every one of those fraternities that have fallen victim to the weather.
For my part, I had thought, after days of hard work, enjoy a little beach, something unthinkable at this stage ... Unfortunately it is a very normal at this time, but after day summer as we have enjoyed, no one could foresee much rain these days.
And focusing on the issue that concerns us here, certainly expect to see the "passion outfits" this year, but I fear that this time, or brotherhoods in the street, or release of outfits. That is, the little that we could go out, we made winter clothing, so the new outfits will have to wait a bit ...
Yesterday, Holy Thursday, the rain gave us a truce and we enjoyed the two Brotherhoods procession through our streets. Martina wore her dress smock point for the second time, if it going to be fine, save it with only the premiere.
Curro, however, it premiered outfit. Nothing done for me, but a new style for him and the most appropriate for Holy Thursday.
Today is Good Friday and instead of enjoying the processions in the street, I'm here telling you what we already know that the rain has prevented many guilds make your Station of Penitence, which I know is a hard drink for many people who spend the year with the hope of the arrival of that great day when your Hernandes put your footsteps in the street ...
From here I sympathize with each and every one of those fraternities that have fallen victim to the weather.
For my part, I had thought, after days of hard work, enjoy a little beach, something unthinkable at this stage ... Unfortunately it is a very normal at this time, but after day summer as we have enjoyed, no one could foresee much rain these days.
And focusing on the issue that concerns us here, certainly expect to see the "passion outfits" this year, but I fear that this time, or brotherhoods in the street, or release of outfits. That is, the little that we could go out, we made winter clothing, so the new outfits will have to wait a bit ...
Yesterday, Holy Thursday, the rain gave us a truce and we enjoyed the two Brotherhoods procession through our streets. Martina wore her dress smock point for the second time, if it going to be fine, save it with only the premiere.
Curro, however, it premiered outfit. Nothing done for me, but a new style for him and the most appropriate for Holy Thursday.
Martina I have no photos of her dress, it really was a crazy day and I just had time to photograph. But yes I have a photo, but it is not seen the dress, it is also one hundred percent of Holy Thursday ...
yes Dad did his penance ...
Today the rain has stopped all departures processions, but this morning we have come to see some pictures in his temple and although the day was not to wear outfits, my pirujillos have been well of monkeys to the Church ...
Martina wearing a B & B outfit and a shirt made for me, although not shown, only Curro has neck and gray pants (do not know the brand) and Ancar red jersey. The socks are also eight Curro B & B. The shoes are both Eli.
Later I will be showing their new spring outfits.
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