Saturday, December 19, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Hidden Stuff Poptropica
Both women and men, since we were young, we teach that it is best to be in couples, have a family, be accompanied. Although I believe that this is what you want most in your life, if you are afraid of loneliness, you can get downright counterproductive decisions for your emotional well being.
Some people instead of enjoying the moment those who have no partner (to reconnect with themselves, to realize what they want and what they do not want to be open to meeting people and strengthen the friendships they already have, for a good choice love!) , or with the certainty that the links you are not has a future, they feel an anxiety so great that they made bad decisions (p example or try to return with someone from the past with whom the relationship did not work, accept any such person to be "accompanied " , seek to save the couple even conflicting or harmful, defend the indefensible, the other to find excuses and get on with this bad relationship, etc.).. Search only the positive be accompanied by a person is only a partial picture of what is happening, you have to put everything on the scale to make a mature decision , although this involves staying "alone."
think quietly, or in the worst moments of your life have you been all alone. Look around. There are more than one person you can trust blindly, which is unconditional and will be there to support you, when you need it. Maybe it's someone who was on your side on many occasions, or someone who wants to give him the opportunity ( family member, friend, neighbor, coworker ...)
The fear of loneliness is a terrible adviser in the search for a partner (or partner). You can always choose with whom to share your life, and also to decide if the relationship where you're happy and you can grow, or is exhausted and no turning back. Continue with a dead link or makes you unhappy for not being without a partner, only deepen your inner sense of loneliness. Addressing this "ghost is easier than you think.
"What does not kill you makes you stronger!"
Do you suffer from loneliness or are making room in your life for that special persana come?
How Long Does It Take To Heal Tailbone
This time I learned that people have to accept it as it is.
Pretender switch to the other on substantive issues only brings suffering and frustrations, and also generates the other person as poor reception in some way (directly or indirectly) perceive that we are trying to press on matters not want to change. External impositions generate resistance and the opposite result we want to reach.
also learned that we can ask the other person making a minor change, provided they agree to do so. One thing is a good way to ask someone who is less messy, for example, and quite another to try to disrupt its scale of values \u200b\u200bor priorities in life. Attempt to modify aspects of the other's behavior means, in my view, be looking for something that that person is not. We usually
waste time pushing the other to be in certain ways, to react as we want or ruminating about not getting the reaction they wish, without realizing that our spending power is useless, since that person does not have the quality that we strive to attribute . This applies also important issues in the minors. If for example my partner does not like to travel and I will press them to do so and to further the enjoyment, I'm not respecting your tastes - nothing good can come of such pressure. OK
our neighbor means to do so unconditionally, and understand that nobody is 100% as we wish. S i look in the mirror, we find our personality traits that we learn to tolerate and endure every day. Then we use this mirror to realize that those around us are not perfect, and for more than a few things we do not like the end of connecting with the true essence of the other . At this point is where the true connection between people. Unfortunately I learned this afternoon after the sea had already away.
now understood that if there are things the other person really bother me or not compatible in me or make me feel better, or run counter to my beliefs or my way of looking at life, it is best left to follow his path and I continue on my . 's always healthy to know what limits bring them to others and ourselves . The conventional wisdom says, "Take it or leave it" and I think it applies in this also: he accepts unconditionally, or do not accept and let go.
Do you accept people as it is?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Best Premix Margarita
Jealousy leads to hate the person envied, while causing admiration affection love for the person admired
envy is to feel sorrow or regret for the good of others, you want to own something from each other and want to get it without emulating what the other has done to achieve it. Admire is regarded with esteem and appreciation for someone or something considered extraordinary or outstanding. Envy
usually generates hatred and resentment toward someone for what they have. The wicked does not seek to analyze how the other reached the object of envy. Rather, it creates the desire or fantasy to take what you have, instead of imitating the behavior that allowed him to get it or buy it.
admire, however, is to recognize, appreciate, assess and evaluate a person and their achievement. Produce, like envy, the desire to own something similar to what you want, but playing the other's behavior to deserve the same. When envy comes to hate the person envied, while in admiration there is affection and respect for the person admired.
The pathological jealousy is destructive and causes emotional distress and negative reactions that can reach the low self-esteem, isolation and depression, or other social pathologies and delinquent behavior.
are the subject of envy, social recognition, fame, prestige, job placement, power, success, happiness, family, children, families and other property and assets of individuals.
we prevent envy and not be victims of it if we substitute this form of be in awe. It's good to want to have or achieve something. We can even see in others what we want.
Once we clarify what we want to be or have, we can begin to work, strive and guide us towards achieving these goals and that every time we go a step we also admired by others.
"The admiration of one person by another is the beginning of a good love"
Who do you admire?