Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hidden Stuff Poptropica

No, creates the space for that special person who waits for you!

Both women and men, since we were young, we teach that it is best to be in couples, have a family, be accompanied. Although I believe that this is what you want most in your life, if you are afraid of loneliness, you can get downright counterproductive decisions for your emotional well being.

Some people instead of enjoying the moment those who have no partner (to reconnect with themselves, to realize what they want and what they do not want to be open to meeting people and strengthen the friendships they already have, for a good choice love!) , or with the certainty that the links you are not has a future, they feel an anxiety so great that they made bad decisions (p example or try to return with someone from the past with whom the relationship did not work, accept any such person to be "accompanied " , seek to save the couple even conflicting or harmful, defend the indefensible, the other to find excuses and get on with this bad relationship, etc.).. Search only the positive be accompanied by a person is only a partial picture of what is happening, you have to put everything on the scale to make a mature decision , although this involves staying "alone."

think quietly, or in the worst moments of your life have you been all alone. Look around. There are more than one person you can trust blindly, which is unconditional and will be there to support you, when you need it. Maybe it's someone who was on your side on many occasions, or someone who wants to give him the opportunity ( family member, friend, neighbor, coworker ...)

The fear of loneliness is a terrible adviser in the search for a partner (or partner). You can always choose with whom to share your life, and also to decide if the relationship where you're happy and you can grow, or is exhausted and no turning back. Continue with a dead link or makes you unhappy for not being without a partner, only deepen your inner sense of loneliness. Addressing this "ghost is easier than you think.

L a better option than introduces you to be alone is a tremendous opportunity to have a space in your life so that, in time, appears the person who values \u200b\u200byou, I'd take you as you are, who really wants to be with you that if you allow access to happiness both because I believe we deserve no doubt that tomorrow will always be better! Happy holidays!

"What does not kill you makes you stronger!"
Do you suffer from loneliness or are making room in your life for that special persana come?


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